End Times 2020: Birth Pains of the Golden Age


zzgl. Versandkosten
Versanddauer nach Zahlungseingang: 1-3 Werktage
Zahlungsart: Direkte Banküberweisung (Euro)
Zahlungsart: E-Mark im KadaRi

plus shipping costs
shipping time within Europe: 1-3 workdays
method of payment: bank transfer (Euro)
method of payment: E-Mark in KadaRi

Blurb of End Times 2020:

This novel describes deep and new insights into the structure and function of our world. Physically and metaphysically, embedded into a background story which relates to the topic. It explains the universal law of creation and its explicit meaning in the natural science as well as in the development of each human being. With that the book gives an overview over the meaning of life and furthermore after the physical death.


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